Naked Truth : Gioia / Boudoir Studio Columbia MO

Why did you choose to do a Boudoir Session?

First off, I chose to do a Boudoir Session to show myself what a badass I am! Additionally, I wanted to show others that regardless of their doubts or insecurities, they CAN take this journey and experience feeling and looking amazing through the entire process. It is very important for me as a human to encourage others to feel comfortable in their own skin. I spent too long battling my identity and appearance, so having a Boudoir session was a way for me to reaffirm my true self and embrace confidence in that individual.

What were your thoughts before your session?

This was my second Boudoir shoot, but only my first time with Billie in her Columbia Boudoir Studio. It was nerve wracking, as is any new experience, but I quickly relaxed as soon as I stepped into the studio. On top of my nerves, I was excited and looking forward to feeling sexy, spending time with Billie, and making myself a priority!

How did you feel during / after your session?

The excitement I felt before my session was there throughout the entire experience, and lingered with me for days. After my experience, I felt empowered and that no matter what challenges I faced that day or week, I’d be able to take them on with determination. In addition to the inner enjoyment I got out of this experience, I regained a significant amount of self-confidence. Looking at the pictures of myself through Billie’s camera and seeing the sneak peeks left me in awe of my own appearance.

How’d you feel when you saw your images?

I was absolutely floored when I saw my photographs for the first time! My initial thought was, “Woah, is that really me?”! The more I scrolled through my photographs, the more my jaw dropped and the wider my eyes grew. I felt stunning, sexy, feminine and powerful!

What was your favorite part of your Boudoir Session?

My question back would be, how can I possibly pick a favorite part when every single moment of this experience was inspiring and amazing? If I had to pick a favorite part, I would say working with Billie and feeling alive in the studio with her. Billie is a loving and phenomenal human; During the shoot, I could tell that her priority was to ensure my comfort and she consistently delivered on that. Billie is a loving, phenomenal human and I am honored that I was able to have this experience with her.

Did your Boudoir Session change the way you view yourself?

Yes, it truly did help alter the way I view myself. Billie captured parts of me that I don’t necessarily love about myself. Seeing those parts of myself through her eyes showed me that I am okay even with the “flaws” I am so critical of.

What would you say to someone on the fence about booking? 

I would say that it’s okay and perfectly natural to be nervous or even scared of booking a boudoir session, but I would also say just do the damn thing! Allow yourself the pleasure of opening yourself up to a new, or maybe even returning, version of yourself. Loving yourself is not easy, but taking these steps on your journey of self-love is incredibly worth it. Book the Boudoir session with Boudoir by Billie and I promise you won’t regret it!

To Gioia: Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for your invaluable contributions and unwavering belief in our cause to uplift women in Columbia MO & surrounding areas. Let’s continue to spread love, acceptance, and empowerment!

To everyone else… Thank you for taking the time to read our NAKED TRUTH blog this week! This is SO special because these women are bearing their soul with you & it’s an honor for the to be heard and uplifted by our supportive community. They appreciate your support just as much as I! 

If you’re interested in booking an Experience of your own at our Boudoir Studio in Columbia MOplease contact Billie HERE

You matter. <3 


Naked Truth : J + K

Q: Think deeply for these questions… Why did you choose to do a Boudoir Session?

A: Billie made me feel very comfortable in our original phone call to talk about the shoot. She has a way of being encouraging and supportive and making you feel beautiful and boosting your confidence when talking to you.

Q:What were your thoughts before booking the Boudoir by Billie Experience?

A: I was very nervous about the idea but excited at the same time.

Q: How did you feel BEFORE your session V.S. how you felt DURING / AFTER the

A: I went in feeling nervous but that disappeared very quickly. Billie makes you feel very comfortable and confident.

Q: How did you feel when you saw your photographs for the very first time? 

A: I was absolutely IN LOVE with them!!! They turned out better than I could have even expected!

Q: What was your favorite part about the whole EXPERIENCE?

A: I loved how amazing I felt throughout the whole experience.

Q: Did a boudoir session with Billie change the way you see yourself?

A: It totally changed how I see myself. It made me feel beautiful and confident.

Q:  What do you say to anyone thinking about booking a session?
A: DO IT!!! You will be amazed at how it makes you feel!!

Thanks for reading our NAKED TRUTH blog this week! These women are bearing their soul
with you & it’s an honor for the to be heard and uplifted by our supportive

If you’re interested in booking an Experience of your own, please
contact Billie HERE



BOUDOIR : how it affects mental health + self worth.

If you’re struggling with self-worth, you’re not alone. My clients may look extremely confident in their photos, but 90% of the time, they didn’t walk into the studio feeling that way. Their Boudoir Experience helped changed their mindset.

Loving yourself is one of the most important things you can do for your mental and emotional well-being. It means accepting and embracing who you are, flaws and all, and recognizing your own worth and value as a person. Here are just a few reasons why a BOUDOIR EXPERIENCE may actually help change your life for the better!

When you finally put yourself first to schedule a session, you WILL feel more confident and self-assured. You will begin to recognize your own strengths and abilities, and you feel empowered to pursue your goals and dreams. This improved self-esteem and confidence can have a positive impact on all areas of your life, from your career to your personal relationships. 

Boudoir allows for time to step back and recognize your own needs and start prioritizing self-care. When you love yourself, you’re more likely to take time for yourself, to set healthy boundaries, and to practice self-compassion. All of these things can help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, and promote overall mental and emotional well-being.

Think of your boudoir session as your own personal therapy appointment! We *love* to chat if you do! We’ll laugh and have as much fun as you wish! It does NOT have to be stuffy in the studio!

Get ready to feel more equipped to form healthy and fulfilling relationships with others.

You’re 100% going to be more confident in who you are, and you’re less likely to seek validation or approval from others. This can help you form stronger and more authentic connections with the people around you. I’ve even had clients tell me it’s brought them closer to their partner and they felt a new spark in their connection they haven’t in a long time. This is something really special I get to offer my clients without them even knowing it’s an added perk! :)

Whether you believe it or not, a boudoir session can help you be more resilient in the face of challenges and setbacks. You’ll be able to cope with adversity and to bounce back from difficult situations. You recognize your own strength and resilience, and you’re better equipped to persevere through tough times.

In a world that often promotes unrealistic beauty standards and societal expectations, it’s easy to feel pressure to conform to certain norms. But loving yourself means rejecting those standards and celebrating your own unique qualities and strengths. So let’s practice self-love, one day at a time, and recognize our own worth and value as individuals.

I believe in you. 


Whether you’re thinking about booking a session or about to make the jump, let us help!
Contact our team here.

Boudoir by Billie
Columbia, MO Luxury Boudoir Studio Photographer

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