Bridal Boudoir — The Perfect Gift for your Groom

Many couples rack their brains on what to get each other that truly matches the significance of the day.  It HAS to be more momentous than the typical holiday or birthday gift, yet, also somehow personal and sentimental.  To help you steer away from the typical watch or jewelry to make this gift EXTRA special , we’ve got a better idea… BRIDAL BOUDOIR PHOTOS! — A must have item. 

Boudoir was once considered risqué or taboo and has now been converted into what we love it to be…. a private celebration of the beauty and intimacy between two people.  Putting on bomb lingerie and posing half nude may seem intimidating, but with the right attitude—and the right photographer—a boudoir shoot will be the most empowering and amazing experience, + it’s a gift your spouse will never forget. 

As photographers, we love that we get to celebrate and document the bride,  and seeing this her experience play out right in front of us…she comes to our studio, nervous, but enjoys this confidence boosting experience more than she ever thinks she will, feeling better in her own skin when she leaves, and she gifts her groom with these unforgettable images. It’s a win/win. The love of your life sees you at your best and your worst all while loving you endlessly and thinks you’re gorgeous. Imagine their reaction when you surprise them with a Genuine Italian Leather album of your own gorgeous photos the morning of your wedding day! It’s a gift that will get you both excited for your wedding night and will make your day that much more special!

So much of the wedding prep is about tasks, to-do lists, deadlines and we know how draining that can be. We love that a boudoir session is a time slow down, relax, get pampered, tune out the must-dos, and really just take that step into your new beginning. We like to say, the photos may be for them, but the experience is for YOU babe, This experience is something remarkably special, for the both of you. We promise, you won’t regret it!

We want to help you celebrate this exciting moment in your life, with photos you can hold onto forever!


Ready to chat about your own EXPERIENCE?

 Let’s schedule your BOUDIE call!

Life is short… Do the Session!

Even while living in a world that is FINALLY starting to
embrace body positivity, loving ourselves is still something that many (if not
all) of us struggle with.  It’s so easy to get on social media and see pictures of beautiful women from all over the world and compare ourselves to those people in the photos. But let’s face it - most of these images are photoshopped beyond belief.

How many times have caught yourself wanting to do a boudoir session…
but then you see yourself in the mirror and tell yourself, “I could never because of x, x & x”?

Let me just say. YOURE WRONG!!! Life is too damn short babe, it’s time to start thinking
about yourself! There is a lot in those photos that you are not seeing… What
you are seeing is a beautiful and curated reflection of someone’s life.  But guess what? Every model, influencer, body builder, etc.…they all have insecurities and flaws! And most of the time, there’s some sort of editing involved to show a different version of themselves to the world.

It takes courage, I won’t lie! But, when you finally decide to experience Boudoir, you are
choosing to love your body just as it is, and it’s about damn time! You are
giving yourself grace to accept every chapter that your body has been through, because
that is exactly what every curve, blemish and stretch mark holds…It’s YOUR story.

You have been through SO much that makes you who you are.
And that’s beautiful all in its own, don’t you think?

Every woman deserves to have the boudoir experience, read
that again… YOU DESERVE THIS! You deserve to feel pampered and beautiful…because once we start taking pictures during your session, you will quickly forget about your flaws and begin to truly feel like a bomb a** babe because that’s what you are! Tush Tuesday queen, coming through!

But seriously… Life is too short to worry about your flaws. 

Life is too damn short to get caught up on “what would ___ think?” WHO CARES?!

This is allllll about you! AND YOUVE WAITED SO LONG to love your body.

It’s your story, so change the narrative of your life & your mindset if you want it. The time is NOW to start accepting your body right here and even thanking it for allowing you to breathe.

Even if you don’t do a session just yet, please do alllllllll of the things that make you feel wonderful, beautiful and most of all happy!
We’re here for you!


With love,
the BXB team

Want to chat? Contact us by clicking here! We’ll be in touch shortly!

Five Reasons You Should Do a Boudoir Session

After being in this biz for so long, I’ve seen SO many reasons for & against a boudoir sesh. I’ve heard the reasons women give themselves to have an amazing opportunity, and the reasons for why they won’t give themselves this opportunity of a lifetime. Some of them just make me truly sad! But…

Today, I’m sharing 5 reasons why you ABSOLUTELY SHOULD experience Boudoir for your damn self!

1. CELEBRATE - from bridal, maternity, dirty thirty birthday or divorce Boudoir…I have seriously seen it all!  Boudoir can be anything you absolutely want it to be. 

Bridal boudoir can be a great way to capture the time before your big day, plus it makes for an AMAZING gift. 

Maternity boudoir is such a beautiful way to
capture the magic between a growing babe and a glowing Mama.

Birthday Boudoir is a whole damn party in itself! Bring along some cupcakes and champagne and let’s do this!

Divorce boudoir is a chance to find yourself again for YOU and to feel empowered. Whatever you are going through in your life… we’re here to help every step of the way.

2. LOVE YOUR BODY — in a world that teaches

women that they need to be bigger, smaller, taller, shorter, older, younger… the list goes on and on… learning to love yourself can be just downright hard. 

It’s about damn time we learn to love ourselves and celebrate ALL that we are in this moment. We are worthy no matter our size or what the scale says. Showcase what you are proud of and what ya momma gave you!

3. CONFIDENCE — how many times do we hear women say, “I love this picture, but I could never do that. I hate this and that about myself.” 

Hey, I get it, t’s not always easy to love yourself.  But let us show you how LIFE-CHANGING Boudoir can be. We have so
many women come into our studio, nervous and insecure….and those same women walk out of our studio, heads held high, with confidence that they didn’t know
existed.  Total QUEEN’S!

So, take a deep breath, trust yourself & our team. Let us help change the way you look at yourself.  Leave those insecurities at the door + let us show you how beautiful you really are right now. Truly!

4. SPECIAL GIFT — most of the time, we see brides gift

boudoir to their spouse-to-be, but honestly boudoir can be a great gift to a significant other as an anniversary gift, birthday, or just because! There are so many reasons to celebrate your relationship, and gifting boudoir is a great way to keep your passion for one another alive! 

I’ve even had clients tell me I helped save their marriage. Boudoir brought a spark back to their relationship that was missing. That’s truly an honor to be a part of!

5. You’ve been waiting for it… DO IT FOR YA DAMN SELF!

YAAASSSSSSS! Let me tell you right now… you don’t even need a “reason” to do boudoir. YOU are worth celebrating.  Your body is worth celebrating.  Who you have grown to be, who you are becoming, all of it is worth celebrating! 

Take this time to treat yourself, feel beautiful, feel confident, feel BADASS. ALL of you deserve the chance to have a Boudoir Experience of your own, to feel pampered and beautiful. 

Stop letting fears and excuses hold you back. We do everything except get you through the doors. Once you’re here, rest assured the BXB team has got you, babe!



With love,
the BXB team

Want to chat? Contact us by clicking here! We’ll be in touch shortly!

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