How to have a BOUDOIR BODY!

Alright, sit back… Let’s talk about some real ish… Here’s some of the most common things said to me when people are booking a boudoir session: 

“Oh I’d love to, I just want to lose __ pounds first!” 

“I have to get rid of the baby weight before I get into lingerie!” 

“I’m too big/not curvy enough/not the right kind of body for boudoir.” 

Something almost every client I speak to has in common—they don’t believe their body is ready for a Boudoir Session.

All day every day we are bombarded with images of “perfect” bodies on social media, on television, in media, everywhere. We try to change ourselves to match this impossible standard. We wait on experiences and don’t wear the clothes we really want to wear. We don’t book the boudoir session because we think we need to look perfect first. Is that true? 


Society and medias portrayal of the perfect body is quite frankly a joke, and it’s time to start rejecting it. Right now, as you are, is beautiful. Our bodies and what they do are amazing! Some of us have carried babies and brought new life into the world, some of us are survivors of traumas or illness, some of us are being kind to our bodies for the first time in a long time…and that is POWERFUL! That deserves to be CELEBRATED! Not changed! Not forced into an impossible standard of beauty to feel “worthy” of being photographed. We are all worthy of showing love to ourselves and being photographed exactly as we are. Right now.

“Extra pounds”, our gray hairs, body hair, scars, stretch marks and all. Seriously.

We work with & capture women. REAL. DAMN. WOMEN. All amazing women. Nobody is “perfect”, but at the same time, we truly all are in our own ways.

On top of all of this, at your session, my team is here to make you feel and look your best. With some hair and makeup to accentuate your beautiful features, some stunning lingerie, and my help with posing throughout your session, you’ll feel like a bombshell in no time. No changes to your body required.  

You’ve got this. I believe in you.

Let’s chat about taking the next step.
See you soon!


Boudoir WILL change how you look at yourself!

If you’re anything like me, you don’t necessarily see yourself as a glamorous bombshell all the time. Maybe you feel a little something like this…

In fact, especially in this work from home/wearing a mask all the time era, I’m sure a lot of us are feeling more like a (still very cute) bag of potatoes! And we certainly don’t HAVE to feel like a babe all the time, but it’s definitely a confidence boost when we do! So…. We all have an inner babe who doesn’t always get a chance to sparkle. And while we ARE beautiful all the time, sometimes we need that little light, right?! 

You’re asking – Where does boudoir come into this?

A Boudoir Experience is a chance to let that inner model/goddess/sexy human SHINE. If you never get to see that side of yourself, how will you remind yourself that it’s there?! A session is just one day to get fully & completely pampered. Get glammed up by our makeup artist & dress up in stunning lingerie!

But the feeling you get when you see yourself looking like an amped up version of yourself…that never goes away. When you’re not feeling it, you’ll remember that you ARE that gorgeous.

Your curves? Killer. Your smile? Stunning. Your booty? Poppin’. 

After your session, when you need a reminder of who the eff you are, you get to flip through your album or your digital collections and remind yourself that damn… You really are that babe. 

Let that feeling shine through and you’ll look (and feel) like a confident queen 24/7.

What’re you waiting for?

Chat with our team to take your next step.
You got this, babe!


Kelsey / Babe of the Week

Q: Why did you choose to do a Boudoir Session? 

A: I had done one several years ago but never got my money right to purchase products. When I finally was ready (3+ years later) Billie suggested a re shoot and I am so glad she did. These photos mean even more to me because they are me now, not several years ago.

Q: What were your thoughts before booking the Boudoir by Billie Experience? 

A:  I was feeling anxious and nervous of course, but having had the experience before, I knew it was going to be professional and, dare I say, FUN! I was most excited to see the reveal because I wanted to see myself through her lens. She captures everyone at their best and I needed that.

Q: How did you feel BEFORE your session V.S. how you felt DURING / AFTER the Experience?

A:Before I was unsure/nervous that I could do it. After the shoot, I was in pain from all of the arching and laughing! Only slightly kidding, but I did feel giddy and I rode that high until I got to see my reveal.

Q: How did you feel when you saw your photographs for the very first time?

A: I was just speechless! So in love and overwhelmed. I am still trying to accept that this is me!

Q: What was your favorite part about the whole EXPERIENCE

A: The photo shoot was so fun and made me feel so glamorous.

Q: Did a boudoir session with Billie change the way you see yourself? 

A: Absolutely! And I am so glad I have the album and images to keep as a reminder in case I forget again!

Q: What do you say to anyone thinking about booking a session?

A: Hands down, go to Billie. The images are beautiful no matter your age, body type, or style. She has a way of capturing everyone at their absolute best.

THANKS FOR READING THIS BOMBSHELL’S FEATURED SESSION! Your love & support makes this community so amazing & uplifting!

You’re appreciated.


Ready to chat about your own EXPERIENCE?
It’s your move, babe! Our team is here to help!

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