How to find the CONFIDENCE to book a Boudoir Experience!

Hey boudie babe!

Since you’re reading this, you’ve either been around in our VIP community for a while, or just joining us & are interested… Whether you’re a seasoned pro with 4 shoots under your belt, or none at all and are thinking about jumping into this crazy, sexy, beautiful world of Boudoir… this message is for you.

Here’s a little fun before & after of our amazing client in the studio! Look at that smile!

Did you know that * EVERY * SINGLE * WOMAN * that has done a Boudoir Experience was extremely nervous beforehand? Seriously… that may seem like a given to some of you, but others wonder how my clients “have so much confidence do do a shoot”. You see their images on the Instagram, the blog or the VIP group & how SEXY & confident they are in their images. When in reality, they DID NOT have that confidence when booking. They were NERVOUS the entire time before jumping into their poses. They didn’t think they’d look as sexy as the other girls in the group.

No confidence? No problem. The reason they have that newly found confidence shining through their images is that they TOOK THE LEAP & booked the session even when they didn’t want to or feel like they could. They believed in themselves for 60 whole minutes and DID THE DAMN THING. Now look at them… that could absolutely be you.


It’s so important to know that it’s okay to not have ANY confidence when walking into the studio doors. It’s okay to be completely nervous & want to cancel your session the day of because you’re unsure… Those feelings are valid. The important thing is to DO IT ANYWAYS & the biggest thing is you will GAIN that new found confidence DURING  & AFTER your Experience. After your sesh, you will 100% be like “DAMN WHO IS THIS BAD BABE IN THE MIRROR?!” and hands down want to book your second shoot already! ;)

We’ve worked with over 400 women who felt the same way you do this second.
They had that same flutter in their heart when booking their Experience!
We know how you feel…

I’ve seen so many women blossom in so many ways through Boudoir.
It makes my heart happier than you could ever know.

I photograph moms.

I photograph grandmas.

I photograph newly single women.

I photograph women who don’t have a “significant other”.

I photograph women who do this for their damn selves.

I photograph women of ALL SHAPES & SIZES.

You absolutely CAN DO THIS & you know why? Because you’re a badass babe! Believe in yourself for 60 whole minutes & I promise it will be one of the best things you’ve ever done for yourself in your entire life. You’ll sit there wondering “why the HELL DID I WAIT SO LONG?!” Our team will even guide you through the entire length of your session. From hair styling, to makeup, to wardrobe & posing… you’re never left wondering what to do.

Here’s some quotes from REAL women who did a Boudoir Experience :

Q: How did you feel when you saw your photographs for the very first time?

Kaitlyn: Speechless. Which is hard for me to be. Looking at my images I saw myself as strong and beautiful. Such a powerful feeling to see yourself in that light, instead of the insecurities us woman fill our heads with.

I felt like a DAMN QUEEN.
My hair and make up we’re perfect. She made me so comfortable while she
was shooting. She showed me how to pose, fixed my hair and outfits so
they were flattering in every picture, posed me in ways that made my
body look it’s best. She showed me the back of the camera after a few
shots and I was like, THAT’S ME,
I look like that! We laughed and joked and I felt like I was with one
of my best friends. I was so relaxed and I felt so beautiful.

Kara: I was scared and doubting myself before hand but from the very beginning
of the experience, the Boudoir by Billie team was so supportive and
reassuring. I forgot about my nerves and relaxed into it. I laughed and enjoyed myself, as if I wasn’t almost naked getting photographed by a stranger. And by the time my session was over and I left, I felt like a bad ass bitch ready to take on the world!

So what are you waiting for again?
We’ve got this together, babe. Let’s do this!

{ Contact Billie }  / { Book NOW } / { Facebook Community }


Q: Why did you choose to do a session? What were you most excited about?

A: I have always had body image issues and since losing over 70 lbs, I wanted to be comfortable in my skin again. I wanted who I see in the mirror to reflect who I am on the inside.

Q: What were your thoughts before booking the Boudoir by Billie Experience?

A: I was definitely excited, but nervous for sure. I’ve never done anything like that before and felt unsure about what to expect!

Q: How did you feel when you saw your photographs for the very first time?

A: I was completely blown away. Billie showed me some shots during our session, and I was in tears.

Q: What was your favorite part about the whole experience?

A: I loved how completely comfortable I felt the entire time. Billie
and Marisa did an outstanding job easing my emotions and letting me
open up and have a blast

Q: What do you say to anyone thinking about booking a session?

A: DO IT!!!! Every woman needs to have the opportunity to feel their absolute best.

Q: Did a boudoir session with Billie change the way you see yourself?

A: 1000% yes! It gave me so much confidence in my own skin and allowed me to see myself for who I am now.


Your love & support makes this community so amazing & uplifting!

You’re appreciated.


Ready to chat about your own EXPERIENCE?
It’s your move, babe! Our team is here to help!


Q: Why did you choose to do a Boudoir Session?

A: My friend Bre came home raving about her session and about the beautiful soul Billie who she became fast friends with. I joined the Facebook group and followed her on Instagram and saw some amazing passion in these shoots! I wanted to feel beautiful the way she had made all these previous ladies feel.

Q: How did you feel BEFORE your session V.S. how you felt DURING / AFTER the Experience?
A: The second I walked into the studio I felt like I was hanging out with old friends. I was constantly being built up during my session to feel like a total freaking goddess. I had to choke back tears looking at some of the pictures on Billie’s camera. I honestly thought looking at my images “who is THAT babe?”

Q: How did you feel when you saw your photographs for the very first time?
A: Speechless. Which is hard for me to be. Looking at my images I saw myself as strong and beautiful. Such a powerful feeling to see yourself in that light, instead of the insecurities us woman fill our heads with.

Q: What was your favorite part about the whole EXPERIENCE?
A: The day of the shoot. I felt so gorgeous after Marisa got done with my hair and makeup. Then Billie acted as a full time hype girl while snapping some amazing shots. She walked alongside me the entire time, showing me just the right pose, fixing any hair and wardrobe issues and making me looking incredible. I left feeling so full of love and life y’all.

Q: What do you say to anyone thinking about booking a session?
A: Do it! You will not regret it. The entire experience is worth every penny and more. For those that don’t think they don’t have “a reason” to get them done, YOU are the reason. Feeling amazing and beautiful in the skin you’re in and loving yourself is your reason!


Your love & support makes this community so amazing & uplifting!

You’re appreciated.


Ready to chat about your own EXPERIENCE?
It’s your move, babe! Our team is here to help!

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