{ Sunny / Session Spotlight } Boudoir Session, Columbia MO Boudoir Photographer

Tell us about yourself!
My name is Sunny. I am a 31 year old single mom of two beautiful girls ages 4 & 6.

Why did you choose to do a session?

I chose to do a boudoir session because I had just gotten out of a horrible relationship with a man that constantly criticized my body making me very self conscious, even after losing over 60lbs. I needed something to boost my confidence not only for myself but also to show my girls they had a confident beautiful mother.

What were your thoughts before booking the Boudoir by Billie Experience?

I was terrified up until the photo session was about 10 min in. I had for so long covered my body being criticized and embarrassed of my stretch marks and loose skin. Billie made me feel amazing, confident, and gorgeous.

How did you feel when you saw your photographs for the very first time?

When I saw my photos I held back tears the entire time. I have never in my life thought of myself beautiful, much less sexy and looking at these photos I finally saw what others had been telling me for so long.

What was your favorite part about the whole experience?

By far my favorite part was how I felt afterward. I felt fierce, sexy, and finally… confident. Yes I am 31, yes I have two kids, yes I have stretch marks and loose skin but dammit, I am sexy!

What do you say to anyone thinking about booking a session?

If you’re still not sure, stop hesitating and book a session NOW! It’s beyond worth it and I can’t wait to do another. You will most definitely not regret this decision.

Did a boudoir session with Billie change the way you see yourself?

Having a session with Billie has completely changed how I view myself. My photos are proudly hung in my bathroom as a constant reminder that I am beautiful and sexy.

#BoudoirByBillie #BeYourOwnKindOfBeautiful
{ Contact Billie / Book your own Experience Here }
Billie@BoudoirByBillie.com / www.BoudoirByBillie.com

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