Babe of the Week / Julia
Q: Why did you choose to do a Boudoir Session?
A: I choose to do a boudoir session so that I can finally have pictures of myself that show just how beautiful I really am. I’ve struggled so long and most my life with my self image and these pictures show how wrong I was about myself for so long and have given me the confidence that I’ve always looked for in life. Also it’s a bonus that I can share them with my fiancé and see the reaction he gets when he looks at them. The experience was so amazing the first time that I even had another session and that just made me feel even more beautiful and gorgeous. The experience will truly stay with me forever and I’ll always recommend it for others!!
Q: What were your thoughts before booking the Boudoir by Billie Experience?
A: I was really nervous that I wouldn’t look pretty at all!! And just worrying about my body and just how I thought I’d look too fat to like the pictures that came out. All of my anxiety was in my head.
Q: How did you feel BEFORE your session V.S. how you felt DURING / AFTER the Experience?
A: Before I was just so nervous and anxious and self conscious. But afterwards I felt like such a badass woman!!! I have so much confidence in myself now every day that I wake up even if my body isn’t how I want it to be, I’ve still learned to love myself no matter what.
Q: How did you feel when you saw your photographs for the very first time?
A: I was so surprised and shocked!! I couldn’t believe it was actually me in those photos.
Q: What was your favorite part about the whole EXPERIENCE?
A: My favorite part was ALL OF IT!!! The experience from start to finish was one I’ll always remember and be so joyous for! I’m definitely boudoir addicted.
Q: Did a boudoir session with Billie change the way you see yourself?
A: 1000% yes!!! She was so amazing and sweet. Her energy and vibe helped me feel comfortable and welcomed from the start and I’ll always be grateful for her helping me bring out what had been missing for so long through the photos she took.
Q: What do you say to anyone thinking about booking a session?
A: I tell any woman who ever says they don’t like their body or that the want photos but don’t like their body about my experience with Billie. I tell them everything about it and show off my photos! I want to help my friends and others get that feeling that I have now. Everyone deserves to experience a boudoir shoot at least once!!
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