Babe of the Week / Jerri

Q: Think deeply for these questions… Why did you choose to do a Boudoir Session?

A: I honestly did it for myself. I wanted to do something for me!! I’ve never realized how hot and sexy I am till I saw my photos 😍🥰

Q: What were your thoughts before booking the Boudoir by Billie Experience?

A: I was at the open house in October and booked my session in January. I was nervous. But the girls that were there talked how much they loved it. So I took a leap to do it.

Q: How did you feel BEFORE your session V.S. how you felt DURING / AFTER the Experience?

A: Before I was rushing and had a million things on my mind. Then getting there and starting to do my makeup and hair I was relaxed and felt like a QUEEN!! She made me feel comfortable in my own skin and actually made me love myself and how I looked.

Q: How did you feel when you saw your photographs for the very first time?

A: OMG!!! I was like is that me!? Am I that hot!?? I felt I was on top of the world!

Q: What was your favorite part about the whole EXPERIENCE?

A: Definitely Billie making me feel like a badass!! I had the awesome green robe and we couldn’t stop talking about it!!

Q: Did a boudoir session with Billie change the way you see yourself?

A: Yes!!! A million times yes!! I never thought I had an ass till I saw my proofs. I love seeing myself relaxed and feeling good about myself.

Q: What do you say to anyone thinking about booking a session?

A: Do it!!!! Jump right on in and DO IT!! I was so conservative with myself and never thought I would be able to do it. But no regrets. I felt and look amazing in my photos!!


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Ready to chat about your own EXPERIENCE?

It’s your move, babe! Our team is here to help!

–> Let’s schedule your BOUDIE call! 

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